Milk chicken and cilantro

Milk chicken and cilantro
Milk chicken and cilantro 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


09552 MILK CHICKEN and cilantro a chicken Ingredients from 1, 5 kg cut into pieces, 50 cl milk, 4 onions, 500 g mushrooms, 2 cm fresh ginger root, 2 tablespoons of peanut oil, 4 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander, salt and pepper preparation time: 30 minutes cooking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes In a pan from the bottom often heat a tablespoon of hot oil and Brown the chicken pieces, sprinkle the pretzels, pepateli.

Clean and cut the mushrooms slices.

Peel and cut the onions into wedges.

Peel and grate the ginger root.

Golden Chicken once keep warm aside in another bowl.

Meanwhile discarded cooking grease, pour the rest of the oil and saute the onions and mushrooms for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Add the chicken pieces, ginger and milk.

Bring gently to the boil by trying to reduce the cooking.

Simmer the chicken with moderate cover fire for an hour continuing to turn the chicken pieces so that they insaporiscano in creamy sauce that must be.

Transfer the chicken on a warm serving dish, spread 3 tablespoons cilantro and keep in a gravy boat the rest of the sauce to which you will add the last tablespoon of coriander.


Milk chicken and cilantro


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