Turban of sole and salmon

Turban of sole and salmon
Turban of sole and salmon 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_07194 TURBAN of SOLE and salmon for 6 PEOPLE INGREDIENTS Butter to grease the dish, 200 g of cod fillet 600 g salmon fillet, finely chopped shallots, 2 3 egg whites, 20 cl of fresh cream, 600 g of fillet of sole.

For concentration: 2 packs of 2 tablespoons watercress, fresh cream, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to 210° and grease a mould.

Cut the cod and salmon in large pieces.

In a blender, mix the salmon and the shallots, add one at a time, the egg whites, blend for 10 seconds, then add the cream, salt and pepper.

Salted frozen fillets of sole, place, side by side, into the mold, leaking slightly from the edges, add half of the filling, place the pieces of cod in the Center and cover with the remaining filling.

Crush and compress the fillets of sole over the filling and cover the pan with aluminum foil.

Cook for 40 minutes in a Bain-Marie in the oven; then let it cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the concentrate: wash, dry and depicciolate the watercress, let it cook for 15 minutes in boiling salted water, then drain.

Frullatelo reducing it in mashed with 10 cl of water, fresh cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Put the turban and serve in slices with sauce.

Turban of sole and salmon


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