Pike fillet with mushrooms

Pike fillet with mushrooms
Pike fillet with mushrooms 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_07173 PIKE FILLET with MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 100 g of green beans, 200 g carrot, celeriac, turnip, 700 g of DL (Chinese mushrooms), 10 cl of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of vinegar, 25 g butter, 2 tablespoons cream, 4 fillets of Pike, a teaspoon of vinegarcilantro leaves for garnish, butter to grease the dish, salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to 180° Grease a baking dish.

Short story the beans; Peel the carrot, celeriac, turnip, cut into small pieces and cook for 8 minutes to steam.

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into strips; Let them jump for 5 minutes over high heat, in olive oil, sprinkle the pretzels, pepatele and drain.

Stir the walnut oil with vinegar, salt and pepper.

In a saucepan, soften the vegetables and mushrooms in hot, wet your hair with butter cream and the vinaigrette and mix in order to ensure that all vegetables are thoroughly impregnated with sauce.

Spread the preparation in the dishes and let cool.

Roll out the Pike fillets on baking pan, add salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes in hot oven.

When cooked spread a Pike fillet in each dish, sprinkled with vinegar and garnish with coriander leaves.

Serve immediately.

Pike fillet with mushrooms


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