Trendy tripe of caen

Trendy tripe of caen
Trendy tripe of caen 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_06279 TRENDY TRIPE of CAEN INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 600 g of grey tripe, washed and scalded, a leg of veal, cooked and cleaned, 5 dl of dry white wine, 100 g of bacon, 2 carrots, 2 onions, a glass of Calvados, 40 g butter, 4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, a sprig garnish (thyme, bay leaf and parsley tied together), 2 cloves of garlic, 3 cloves, flour, 100 g of white paste (flour and water), salt and pepper.

Clean the onions and carrots, thickly thin and fry them in a pan, preferably earthenware, with oil and butter.

Cut four slices from the piece of bacon and the rest into small cubes.

Add the cubes to mixture, the bouquet garni, garlic cloves peeled, cloves and chopped veal leg.

Cut the tripe in approximately 4 cm squares of side length.

Pour into saucepan, add salt, pepatela and cover it with slices of bacon.

Pour the wine and bring to a boil.

Put the cover, close it tightly with a string of white paste and gilds it for 7-8 hours on low flame.

Drained tripe and pieces of leg, passed the broth through a sieve, bring it to a boil, grease free and possibly do reduce or addensatelo with little starch.

Put the tripe and the leg pieces in cooking and fiammeggiate with Calvados.

Serve very hot.

Trendy tripe of caen


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