Mashed cauliflower with red mullet

Mashed cauliflower with red mullet
Mashed cauliflower with red mullet 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


mashed CAULIFLOWER 05880 with MULLETS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1 kg of florets of cauliflower, 1 tablespoon coarse salt, a l of chicken broth, a spoonful of cornflour, a bunch of coriander, egg yolk, 25 cl of milk, 8 previously cleansed mullet, a piece of fresh ginger, saffron, pepper pistil.

In a saucepan, bring to a boil salted water and plunge the florets of cavbolfiore: Cook for 2 minutes.

Drain and rinse under cold water to cool.

In the same saucepan, pour the chicken broth, add the saffron and florets of cauliflower: simmer 20 minutes.

Dilute the cornflour in four tablespoons cold water.

Drain the florets of cauliflower and leave in a colander to drain.

Transferred the florets in saucepan without water, place it on the fire to flame up and let them jump 5 minutes so that the cooking water to evaporate completely.

Then pour in the glass of a food processor and blend.

Pour the puree in a saucepan, add the cornstarch, diluted milk and yolk slightly banged: mix carefully with a wooden spoon.

Put on the fire for a few minutes, stirring, until cream becomes denser.

In a small saucepan bring salted water and abollore pepper: plunge the mullets and Cook 20 minutes to fire.

When cooked, put them under cold water, then clean and diliscatele to get only the threads.

Pass the cream of cauliflower in a dense-mesh strainer; Add salt if necessary, add the grated ginger and mix well.

Pour the cream in a large bowl, place over the fragmented mullet fillets, garnish with coriander leaves and serve.

Mashed cauliflower with red mullet


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