Tripoline with needlefish

Tripoline with needlefish
Tripoline with needlefish 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03504 TRIPOLINE with NEEDLEFISH INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 400 g of needlefish, fresh fennel, 2 2 Zucchini (green part only), a sweet red pepper 2 spicy chilies, fresh mint, olive oil, onions, 400 g of pasta tripoline type, white wine, salt.

Remove the top billfish open along the belly and remove the bone, then divide them to threads.

Clean and wash the vegetables and cut into julienne.

Let them cook in a large pan with 4 tablespoons oil, open flame for a few seconds, stirring constantly.

Tinged with half a glass of wine and add the needlefish.

Stir gently and cook for a few seconds.

Withdrawn from heat and leave aside.

In plenty of water put a bit of celery, parsley and the green part of the fennel and place over heat.

When the vegetables are well cooked, salted and retire them pour the dough.

Drain the pasta still al dente and pour into the pan with the vegetables and spadellatela for a few seconds.

Tripoline with needlefish


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