BUCATINI with artichokes and BACON 2

BUCATINI with artichokes and BACON 2
BUCATINI with artichokes and BACON 2 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


03593 BUCATINI with CARGIOFI and SPECK INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 320 g of bucatini pasta, artichokes, 4 1/2 cup of vinegar, a small onion, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 glass of white wine 80 g Bacon, a spoonful of butter, 2 eggs, 70 g grated Grana Padano cheese, 3 sprigs of parsley, pepper, salt.

Browse the artichokes, cut their tips and cleaned well the stems.

Divide them into wedges and cut them into thin slices.

As they clean the artichokes, place them in a bowl with water and lemon to prevent blackening.

Saute gently in oil and chopped onion before it browned add the artichokes.

Let it sauté for a few minutes over high heat.

Wet with wine and then lower the heat, add salt and cook for about 15 minutes in covered container.

Cut the fillets Bacon and tostateli in with the butter.

In a bowl beat the eggs, add the Grana Padano cheese, salt, pepper, chopped parsley and speck.

Cook the pasta in salted water; drain and add the artichokes, sauté a minute then pour the eggs and Bacon Sauce and stir vigorously.

Bucatini with artichokes and bacon 2


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