Tortiglioni with zucchini

Tortiglioni with zucchini
Tortiglioni with zucchini 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


03585 TORTIGLIONI with 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS COURGETTES 280 g tortiglioni pasta type, 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 300 g of courgette, 3 sprigs of parsley, 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, salt. Wash PROCEDURE, check the zucchini and cut into thin slices. Heat a pan, add the courgettes and let them dry without sauce, keeping the high heat and stirring constantly with a wooden spoon; When the zucchini will have lost all the water and start to turn Golden, add the oil and salt, lower the heat, cover and cook for two minutes. Meanwhile, Cook the pasta in salted water; take half a ladle of cooking water and pour over Zucchini, then evaporate to the saucepan uncovered for 3 minutes. When cooked, drain the pasta and pour into the pan with Zucchini, add the parsley, washed and coarsely chopped, then add 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat, add the parmesan and serve.

Tortiglioni with zucchini


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