Spaghetti with scampi (spaghetti con gli scampi)

Spaghetti with scampi (spaghetti con gli scampi)
Spaghetti with scampi (spaghetti con gli scampi) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


03688 SPAGHETTI with SCAMPI INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 500 g spaghetti 1 kg of prawns, not too large, 500 g of ripe tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 g of extra virgin olive oil, 6 large basil leaves, salt, pepper.

Cut shrimp PROCEEDINGS into two using a scissor.

Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into 2 or 4 depending on their size.

Boil the pasta in salted water.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a large frying pan and soffriggetevi the crushed garlic cloves, when Golden, remove them and will throw in skillet scampi.

Cook over high heat for about 1? on each side, then put them aside on a plate to hot and thrown into the pan the tomatoes.

Let Cook over medium heat, shaking the Pan occasionally until the pasta is cooked.

Put the shrimp into the Pan, turn off and add the chopped Basil.

Drain the pasta and dress with the sauce.

Serve on hot plates, to give the people time to extract the pulp of the scampi without eating cold spaghetti.

Spaghetti with scampi (spaghetti con gli scampi)


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