Risotto with mushrooms and shrimp

Risotto with mushrooms and shrimp
Risotto with mushrooms and shrimp 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


02418 RISOTTO with SHRIMP and MUSHROOMS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 150 g mushrooms like Chanterelle (Calderón), a l fish broth or vegetable, onion, 90 g butter, 375 g of Arborio rice type, 50 g of tomato sauce, 10 cl dry white wine, 50 g Parmesan cheese, 200 g of raw duck liver, shelled shrimp 16, fresh herbs for decoration, salt and pepper.

Carefully clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth: riservatene about 50 g coarsely chopped and others.

Bring the broth to a boil and lower the heat.

In a saucepan, FRY for a few minutes to heat the whole mushrooms in 40 g butter.

Stir gently with a wooden spoon, then retire it and keep aside.

In the same casseuola gently fry chopped onion and browned pour the rice.

Let it roast for a few seconds, then sprinkle with the white wine.

Let it evaporate, then add the chopped mushrooms, tomato sauce, mix well and use 1/2 of the broth.

Cover the saucepan and simmer over medium heat until the broth is absorbed.

Pour the rest of the broth over and continue cooking, stirring constantly.

Separately fry the duck liver cut into cubes and make finding the same fat shrimp.

When cooked remove from heat and stir in the rice and the rest of the butter, the grated Parmesan cheese and a pinch of black pepper.

Spread the rice dishes with a circular tagliapsta with a diameter of about 7 cm and cover decorative way with the shrimp and diced liver.

Garnish with mushrooms and set aside with the herbs.


Risotto with mushrooms and shrimp


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