Toast with orange cream

Toast with orange cream
Toast with orange cream 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00704 TOAST with Orange CREAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 250 g of natural yoghurt, 50 g of hazelnuts, an orange untreated, frecsa 4 mint leaves, a teaspoon of honey, one clove of garlic, tomatoes, 1/2 cucumber, 4 slices of toast, salt and black pepper.

Mix yogurt with a teaspoon of salt.

Vesratelo in a colander lined with a kitchen towel and place it over a bowl.

Join the ends of the towel and cover them with a kitchen Twine.

Cutlery over the yogurt and let weight winding down for about 2 hours.

Coarsely grind the hazelnuts and tostatele for a few minutes in a pan.

Wash and dry the Orange, finely grated grattugiatene.

Wash the mint leaves and chop.

In a large bowl, stir yogurt clotted with honey, salt, pepper and crushed garlic.

Add the hazelnuts, half of the orange zest and Mint.

Mix well, cover with plastic and let it sit for about 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings.

Peel the cucumber and cut it into very thin slices.

When serving, spread the cream of yogurt on the slices of toast and guarnitele with tomato and cucumber slices.

Serve immediately.

Toast with orange cream


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