Stuffed tomatoes gelatinati

Stuffed tomatoes gelatinati
Stuffed tomatoes gelatinati 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 4 medium red tomatoes 4 tablespoons sodi, mixed for Russian salad, 1/2 Pack of instant gelatine, chopped parsley, chopped chives, chopped basil, tabasco, 2 yolks of hard-boiled egg, yolk raw 1, 1/2 juice lemon, 1 jar of creamy yoghurt, pepper, salt.

Cut the tomatoes, remove the seeds and the stalks, tip one in a colander and let drain.

Cook steamed or boiled vegetables in a little water until soft (careful not to undo the potato cubes).

Let cool completely.

Prepare gelatin according to directions on the package, add finely chopped herbs (a large spoon) and dressed with a few drops of tabasco.

Stir and let cool until you have a consistency similar to that of oil.

In a bowl mash the yolks firm to reduce them in mashed; softened by adding the raw yolk, a little at a time with the juice of 1/2 lemon, add salt and pepper.

Add yogurt and mix with a fork.

Season the vegetables with two tablespoons of gelatine: do this with tomatoes (just removed from the fridge), until it forms a thin layer on tomatoes and vegetables.

Serve with egg sauce aside.

Stuffed tomatoes gelatinati


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