3 BASKETS of TOMATOES 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00029 BASKETS of TOMATOES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 4 large smooth type tomatoes, spinach, 2 pink Grapefruits, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar, 4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Choose 4 big tomatoes like smooth, not overly ripe.

Using the tip of a sharp knife make a zigzag incision around the shell of each tomato, so; It can be removed, leaving the tomato cut into scallops.

Sprinkle the pretzels and place them upside down for half an hour to lose water.

Wash very well of endearing leaves of spinach and stracciatele with your hands.

Bleed 2 Grapefruits, peeled, then bleed the peeled cloves.

Make firm 2 eggs for 10 minutes, drain, raffreddatele under running water and Peel.

Two Separate egg yolks from egg whites and mince.

Prepare a vinaigrette with two tablespoons of raspberry vinegar, aromatic, salt, pepper and 4 tablespoons oil.

Gathering spinach in a bowl and grapefruit wedges, toss with the vinaigrette, then deliver in tomatoes.

Over each tomato spread a bit of chopped egg and a little "mimosa" in egg yolk.

Served fresh.

3 baskets of tomatoes


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