Cicada in coral sauce

Cicada in coral sauce
Cicada in coral sauce 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00390 CIGALE DI MARE CORAL SAUCE ingredients for 2 people 1, 2 kg or 2 cicadas cicadas from 800 g, 2 dozens of sea urchins, 200 g of fresh cream, bel 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 lemon, 1 half a glass of Pastis, sea salt, pepper green beans preparation time: 10 minutes cooking time: 20 minutes Cut your Proceeding Fiorito in two lengthwise.

Remove the eggs if they are females and keep them aside.

Salted with coarse salt half ™ queues and let them rest for a moment.

Place the grill of the oven to heat.

During this time, prepare the sauce.

Squeeze the lemon.

Beat the cream with lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Open the curls so that you can easily remove them with a spoon of soft flesh that mixed with the cream, oil and lemon.

Place to cool this cream until serving.

Crushed green peppercorns pastry with a rolling pin or a glass bottle.

Divide them on the queue met ™ cicadas and passed on the grill for 10-15 minutes until € roasted pepper doesn't seem on the surface.

Extract the cicadas and sprinkle with Pastis by fixing them under the grill for another 5-10 minutes.

Serve over hot oven dishes with coral sauce.

Cicada in coral sauce


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