Pineapple cocktail and crab meat

Pineapple cocktail and crab meat
Pineapple cocktail and crab meat 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00261 Pineapple COCKTAIL and CRAB MEAT INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 2 medium pineapple, a big box of crab meat or a package of crab sticks, celery hearts, a head of lettuce, 6 tablespoons mayonnaise 3 tablespoons 2 tablespoons katchup, cream, 2 tablespoons of cognac, an orange.

Divide in half along the pineapple, with the tip of a sharp knife, remove the flesh and cut it into small pieces, removing the hard part.

Remove the filaments to the celery and cut it into slices; cut into slices lettuce.

Shredded crab, by removing the cartilage, or cut into pieces the sticks.

Mix mayonnaise with ketchup, cream, juice of a medium Orange, cognac; Add the crab, pieces of pineapple, celery, lettuce and stir well.

Fill the pineapple halves with this mixture and garnish with a celery leaf.

Pineapple cocktail and crab meat


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