Mousse of ham and bechamel

Mousse of ham and bechamel
Mousse of ham and bechamel 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Put a cassette in rectangular refrigerator and let cool.

Finely chop the ham and pass in a blender until obtaining a very fine puree.

Pour the mixture into a bowl, add a little at a time half of wine, turning constantly.

Add then, little by little, four tablespoons of gelatin, cooled but still liquid, making sure that mixes well.

Stirring with a certain energy, add the cream gradually until a light froth.

Mix the gelatin remained the other half of wine and stir well until gelatin begins to thicken.

Add the white sauce and olives.

Then pour the gelatin into the mold to form on the bottom a layer of about 1 cm thick.

Put the mold in the refrigerator and, when gelatin has solidified, pour the mousse of ham, making sure to leave it slightly detached from the walls of the mold.

Level the surface of the mousse, pour over the remaining jelly and put it in the fridge for about an hour before serving.

To unmold mousse of ham, simply dip the mold in warm water for a moment and then invert onto serving dish.

Mousse of ham and bechamel


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