Mint julep of rhubarb

Mint julep of rhubarb
Mint julep of rhubarb 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


You use the petioles of the leaves high at least 15 or 20 cm: taking from the base, pull down and twisting them off.

Cut the petioles to 5 cm pieces, weigh them, and let them boil a few minutes in lightly salted water and dissolve over heat and in a little water (the one that serves to dissolve the sugar) twice the weight of rhubarb in sugar, and as soon as it is hot, add the rhubarb well drained.

Boil for 15 minutes, then place the rhubarb in glass jars and boil 5 minutes more water; This is done pour the syrup over the rhubarb and leave there.

The next day remove the syrup, boil it and pour it on the rhubarb to cool, cover with wet paper of rum and seal the jars should serve as a tonic and is mildly laxative.

Mint julep of rhubarb

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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