Recipes with zucchini romanesche

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with zucchini romanesche ingredient.
  • Braze in finely shredded spring onion oil, then add the zucchini, cut into cubes and wish to add a pan covered fresh focus by combining salt and pepper. After...
    Main ingredient: Zucchini
  • Select the zucchini, remove the flowers and wash them thoroughly. Dry them and slice them thinly but not the veil. Place in a salad bowl and sminuzzarvi over...
    Main ingredient: Zucchini Romanesche
  • Brown in oil a mince of garlic and chili peppers; combine the crushed tomato pulp, blow over high heat, then lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Boil...
    Main ingredient: Zucchini Romanesche