Recipes with for the egg pasta:

In the following list of recipes you can find 5 recipes made with for the egg pasta: ingredient.
  • Prepare the dough. Prepare the pot roast and chop the quantity indicated. Blanched spinach, mince and add them to the meat. Mix with the egg yolks, whole egg,...
    Main ingredient: Eggs
  • In a saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, insaporitevi for 5 minutes the onion, carrot, celery and crushed garlic, then add the tomato paste. Adjust salt...
    Main ingredient: Beef
  • Prepare the pasta and sauce. In a saucepan heat the cream over low heat, add the washed radish and cut into strips, mix, add a knob of butter and let the...
    Main ingredient: Radicchio
  • Prepare the egg pasta with 300 g of flour and three eggs. Let it rest covered with a kitchen towel at least half an hour. Meanwhile, soften the ricotta tilling...
    Main ingredient: Mozzarella
  • Boil spinach, mince, mix them with ricotta softened, cream. eggs, two tablespoons of grated cheese, adjust salt and pepper. You have to get a very smooth...
    Main ingredient: Spinach