Recipes with contests

In the following list of recipes you can find 7 recipes made with contests ingredient.
  • Clean the contests, wash them, dry them and cut each into three pieces. Finely chop a carrot, an onion, a clove of garlic, a stick of celery and a sprig of...
    Main ingredient: Contests
  • Clean and gut fish without squamarli and put in the belly of each 2 olive leaves. Prepare coals, add above (rather far from the grill) Grill and place the...
    Main ingredient: Contests
  • Clean the contests, wash them, dry them. Keep them soaked in milk, dry and then lightly sprinkle with flour. In a pan heat four tablespoons of olive oil and a...
    Main ingredient: Contests
  • Clean the contests, wash them, dry them. Keep them soaked in milk, dry, then lightly sprinkle with flour. FRY for a few minutes in a pan with hot oil. Dry them...
    Main ingredient: Contests
  • Clean the contests, sprinkle with flour, shake off the excess and friggetene a few at a time in a pan with hot oil and abundant. Drain them, dry them on paper...
    Main ingredient: Contests
  • Boil the spices and herbs in vinegar. Scale and gut the fish, wash them and dry them; sprinkle them with salt and let them rest for 5 hours. FRY in hot oil...
    Main ingredient: Contests