Recipes with chopped parsley and garlic

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with chopped parsley and garlic ingredient.
  • In a bowl, mix the flour with oil, egg yolks and water (about one decilitre) to obtain a smooth mixture. Let batter rest for an hour, then join the whitebait...
    Main ingredient: Bianchetti
  • Mix chopped tomatoes and deprived of the peel and seeds to mince, breadcrumbs and aromatic to the mozzarella into cubes. Spread the mixture on the slices of...
    Main ingredient: Eggplant
  • Wash under running water 300 g spelt beans, leave it to drain into a bowl, cover with cold water and let it soak for 12 hours. Cook for 30 minutes in water,...
    Main ingredient: Farro
  • Remove the tomatoes, drain CAP and drain them upside down. Sauté the sliced onion with the chopped parsley, the garlic and the anchovies done in pieces. After...
    Main ingredient: Tomatoes