Easter flower

Easter flower
Easter flower 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


For cream puffs (to prepare the day before), bring to a boil the milk with 25 g of water, salt and butter; Add the flour all at once and, stirring constantly, keep the dough on the fire until one will sizzle as if friggesse and disconnected it from the bottom of the saucepan.

Then transfer it into the bowl of the mixer, let it cool completely and then, using the whip to hook, add eggs, one at a time.

Put the dough in a pocket of fabric with a smooth opening and let it come out on balls, the size of a small Walnut (about 20) who'll rank on a plate, slightly spaced between them.

Sprinkle them with granulated sugar, infornatele to 200 degrees for 5 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and continue cooking for a further 20 minutes cream puffs.

Pull a 4 mm thick the sheet that you did thaw; cut into a 22 cm diameter and egg beaten pennellatelo.

Fold and pull back the scraps of dough, then cut into half moons to be placed around the circumference of the disk to create the effect of corolla.

Put the flower on a water splash plate, infornatelo to 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then sfornatelo and spolverizzatelo of icing sugar.

Whip the cream, put it in a bag to fill with spizzata nozzle and, with part of it, fill the profiteroles.

Softened half a glass of Grand Marnier with just as much water and in this wet, soak the ladyfingers.

5 put on the bottom of the cake, then half the custard, others ladyfingers and the remaining cream on which make a layer of whipped cream (about two-thirds of that remained in the Pocket).

Cover the cake with the cream puffs; fill the small gaps between a doughnut and the other with sprigs of cream (still in the Pocket), then serve.

In addition to cream puffs, can be done before the flower, but the cake must be mounted at the last moment.

Easter flower

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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