Artichoke and anchovy appetizer

Artichoke and anchovy appetizer
Artichoke and anchovy appetizer 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Start by cleaning the anchovies by depriving them of the heads and bones, then wash them and dry them.

Passes with artichokes: worldwide, cut into slices that you, as the cuts in water acidulated with lemon juice to prevent blackening.

Take a baking dish, imburrala and you anoint the Fund with some of the chopped garlic and parsley, salt and pepper, then make a first layer with anchovies, then with the slices of artichokes, drained and dried, add salt and pepper and keep it until the ingredients, then sprays all over with the oil.

Add a glass of water and put the pan on the heat, moderate flame, with a lid, or if you prefer in the oven, and let it cook very slowly for about an hour.

When they are ready, brings in the dish itself.

Artichoke and anchovy appetizer

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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