Lebanese tabule '

Lebanese tabule '
Lebanese tabule ' 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


LEBANESE 02661 TABULE ' INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 100 g of pre-cooked, 2 tomato couscous, a cucumber, a lime, lemon yellow, a sprig of fresh mint leaves, a sprig of fresh parsley, 2 white onions, 4 tablespoons olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour the couscous into a bowl large enough and cover with water. Stir and let the couscous is swollen, until completely absorbed the liquid. Continue to stir with a fork to shell the couscous. Wash the tomatoes and the cucumbers. Peel and remove the seeds, then cut them into cubes. Pour into the bowl with the couscous and stir thoroughly. Peel and chop the onions. Squeeze lemons; pour the juice into the bowl with the couscous, add chopped onions and mix perfectly the ingredients. Cover with foil and place in the fridge to rest for about an hour. Rinse under running water and Peppermint parsley, then patting dry with paper towels. Keep aside some sprig of mint or that of parsley for garnish. Remove the leaves from the sprigs and add them to the preparation with the olive oil. Put in the refrigerator for an hour. When serving, add salt, pepper and, if necessary, add a little oil. Stir. Serve.

Lebanese tabule '


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