Orange and chocolate Crepes

Orange and chocolate Crepes
Orange and chocolate Crepes 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Mix the flour with 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Add eggs, mix and stir milk, melted butter and a little salt.

Add the cognac, stir and let stand.

Meanwhile melt the grated chocolate into the cream, add 40 g of butter and Grand Marnier and stir until a thick cream.

Grease a non-stick pans and, when the bottom is hot, pour in a tbsp of mixture for crepes in order to form a thin layer.

After a minute, turn it as if it were a small omelet and cook.

Perform the same procedure for the other crepes, dealt to the center of each a spoonful of chocolate cream, four ripiegatele, place in a baking dish, sprinkle them with the orange peel, the remaining butter and a tablespoon of sugar, then bake and Gratin for a few minutes.

Serve with a sauce prepared by baking Orange Orange juice with a little sugar and drizzled with Grand Marnier.

Orange and chocolate crepes

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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