Recipes with poultry broth

In the following list of recipes you can find 4 recipes made with poultry broth ingredient.
  • Divide half the peppers, skin, give them the seeds and white membranes, then cut the flesh into strips. You heat the oil in a saucepan, add the sugar and the...
    Main ingredient: Peppers
  • Wash well the cockerels under running water, dry and heat briefly in a pan with boiling water. Rinse the bird again to remove any remaining dirt. Wash the...
    Main ingredient: Galletti
  • Do I need a rich badduzzi broth, meatballs of veal minced meat mixed with breadcrumbs, parsley and garlic chopped, grated pecorino cheese, salt, pepper, boil...
    Main ingredient: Ricotta
  • Sift the flour onto the work surface by placing a fountain. Formed a recess in the Center and add the chopped butter, salt, water and egg. Knead the...
    Main ingredient: Porro