Recipes with cachagua nuga ful

In the following list of recipes you can find 6 recipes made with cachagua nuga ful ingredient.
  • Prepares in a shaker with ice cubes. Shake vigorously and serve in a cocktail glass well. Fancy seals.
    Main ingredient: Bitter Campari
  • Prepares in a shaker with ice cubes. Shake vigorously and serve in a cocktail glass well. Fancy seal.
    Main ingredient: Cachagua
  • Shake vigorously the cachagua and illycaffè and serve in cocktail glass well pouring two parts cold cream on the surface.
    Main ingredient: Cachagua
  • Prepares in a shaker with ice cubes. Shake vigorously and serve in a cocktail glass well. Garnish with red maraschino cherry.
    Main ingredient: Limoncello
  • Prepares directly in old fashion glass with 2-3 ice cubes. Mix gently. Garnish with orange peel spiral and pineapple cubes.
    Main ingredient: Cachagua
  • Prepares the tumbler up mashing lime pieces with brown sugar. Add crushed ice. Pour in the shaker the first three ingredients. Stir and serve by filling with...
    Main ingredient: Cachaca